Author: damon wood

Damon is a professional electric skateboard builder of over four years and builds under the brand Long Haired Boy Fine Electric Skateboards (LHB, LHB FES) and is also an active member of and leader in the electric skateboard building community. He's also a traitor and rides an electric unicycle, so don't fall in love just yet.

Jed Boards Interview: What are they doing over there?

Leveraging the power of the intarwbs, embarks on an odessey with Jeremy Bogan

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Getting Started

Riding Your Electric Skateboard In the Rain Is a Really Dumb Idea

It seems all fun and frolicky but the reality is that you’re just going to destroy your board in one way or another.

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Boa Constrictors Are The Absolute Shit

Our long awaited review of Boa Wheels’ Constrictors is finally here, Lynx bus included.

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My Time With Enertion’s Unity (Beta 1) FOC Motor Controller

I tried to destroy it in all the ways a builder normally would, I really did. I even gave mother nature a stab at it, but she couldn’t even kill it for good.

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20 Years of Barrett Junction

Bombing uphill to celebrate 20 years of the legendary Barrett Junction! Be there January 19th – 21st 2019.

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Why are electric skateboard ads such a bad influence?

If everyone should wear helmets, even if they don’t actually have to by law or rule, why are so many advertisers not doing the responsible thing?

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Eskating Is Not a Crime

Mixed signals, bad perceptions, and bureaucracy strike again. Inside are my thoughts on the existing policies, why they may or may not make sense, and what we can do if there’s any hope at all.

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Meta Surf Meta Drive vs the Classic Carvon XL

There’s a new guy on the street, and also an older guy on the street. Who has the best available direct drive at the moment?

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Getting Started

Know Your Drive Systems: Belts vs Hubs vs Direct vs Gears

Please allow us to quell the confusion. Somebody has to bring order to this chaos, so we have laid out exactly what is what and how to tell which, as well as the pros and cons of each type of drive. You’re welcome.

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Getting Started

Some Things To Consider Before Building Your Own Electric Skateboard

This is stuff you need to know before you dive in, because you are about to enter a world of pain and joy the likes of which you probably have no reference for.

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