
These items are good enough to get top billing here at esk8.news. At least for a little while.


Jed Boards Interview: What are they doing over there?

Leveraging the power of the intarwbs, esk8.news embarks on an odessey with Jeremy Bogan

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Esk8 Remotes: Garbage or Greatness!

There have been a lot of esk8 remotes over the years, and Mike has managed to collect most of them. Inside we all weigh in on the ones we loved and hated.

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Getting Started

Know Your Drive Systems: Belts vs Hubs vs Direct vs Gears

Please allow us to quell the confusion. Somebody has to bring order to this chaos, so we have laid out exactly what is what and how to tell which, as well as the pros and cons of each type of drive. You’re welcome.

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