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Esk8 IQ: The Math and the Science of Electric Skateboarding – Part 3

The final chapter of Mike’s odyssey into the engineering concepts of electric skateboards. Maths and theoretical maximums await inside.

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ESK8 IQ: The Math and the Science of Electric Skateboarding – Part 2

If you haven’t read ESK8 IQ Part 1 read it here. Lets get right to the meat and potatoes.  The first thing I am going to school you fine folks on today is watt hours.  This is the method that we, as members of the electric skateboarding community, have decided is the most accurate way […]

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ESK8 IQ: The Math and the Science of Electric Skateboarding – Part 1

Part 1 of Mike’s ongoing series dedicated to laying out the guts of electric skateboard building.

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